Custom Branded Guitars- the Ultimate Prize for Bars and Clubs

  • Jun 21, 2018

Rock Your Next Promotional Even With Custom Printed Guitars


If you are looking for a unique branded gift for a festival, speaker gift, employee incentive, display incentives or other swag event, let us help you with our line of custom printed guitars.

We can feature your brand and full color design onto our long list of quality electric guitars, including Fender StratocasterStagg Vintage T  and ESP, as well as Johnson Concert Size Body Acoustic Guitars, banjos, ukuleles and more.

Give a gift that will be used, cherished and shown off for years to come--and one that will get a ton of social media interaction.

Let us know how we can brand a guitar for you--as few as just 2 guitars.  Order from

  • Category: New Products
  • Tags: custom guitar, printed guitars, branded guitars